Day 34
God’s Redemptive Story is seen in the Parting of the Red Sea
The passing through the Red Sea is used as a symbol of the believer’s identification with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.. Also, note that the Israelites went under the water and came out of the water to a new life- baptism:
Here’s a good article on the importance of the parting of the Red Sea.
God is Revealed as he manifests himself in the form of a deliverer, warrior and healer.
God is our deliverer. He delivered His people through the sea, against all odds, and defeated the enemy who opposed them and himself.
God is our warrior and constantly wars against all the things that threaten us, including our own flesh. He is always fighting FOR us and sometimes AGAINST us.
God is our Healer. Exodus 16:26 Tells us that if we listen and do God’s commands he will be our healer.
God is worthy to be Worshipped. Exodus 15:1 records the first worship song in scripture
God reveals himself in the Fire, Cloud and as the Angel of the Lord:
The Angel of the Lord and Fire- Cloud combo is a possible double Theophany-
The Fire- Cloud is the presence of God the Father. A fire keeps by night keeps us warm and protects us from enemies. The clouds by day shields us from the heat of the blistering sun.
The Angel of the Lord is a possible Christophany or manifestation of God the Son- Jesus Christ.