Day 31
In God’s redemptive story He calls Israel His firstborn son and the firstborn gets the blessing. God also adopted believers into His family so we get the blessing.
God doesn’t promise Moses, nor us, an easy journey. He tells Moses, “You’re going to ask Pharaoh for something, and I’m going to harden his heart so that he says no.” But he does say, “I will be with you in Exodus 4.
God calls Israel His “firstborn son” and promises to kill the firstborn of Egypt if they don’t let His son go. This is foreshadowing not just of the Passover, but also of the inclusion of the Gentiles into God’s family.
The firstborn gets the blessing, but Jesus our older brother shares His inheritance with us as co-heirs? We see this
with the Israelites too! They’re God’s “firstborn” but in God’s great generosity, He also adopted Gentiles — that is, non-Jews — into His family as a part of His promise to bless all the nations of the world through this one family. And because of that, we Gentiles share in their inheritance! Just like with Jesus!
If it was Moses that God sought to kill, then this is the second time his life has been saved through the help of a woman; if it was Gershom that God sought to kill, then this is an interesting foreshadowing of killing the firstborn son of those who don’t live under God’s protective covering.